Rosenfelder Index Measures Super Bowl XLIV Ads

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The Rosenfelder Index is the amount it would cost to purchase one of everything advertised during the Super Bowl. Repeats count twice – after all the advertisers paid more for the extra spots. My friend Jim Dunbar, the esteemed music supervisor and a&r man, and I had the idea in the late 90s to quantify Super Bowl marketing. With the advent of the Earbender blog, it has become a worldwide, codified and documented event. I was pleased to show the old posts off to some media professionals recently, and that tech blogs Mahalo, Mashable and others that will be “live blogging” these ads too.

Please see the live tally below, updated during the game as often as possible, probably once per set (of commercials, not plays!). Geaux Saints!!!! I am so proud of the city of New Orleans having something to rally for!!!

The Sum is at the Bottom of the following graph.

Under “type,” the key is: A – Apparel; C – Communications; T – Transportation; B – Beverage; S – Snack food; E – Entertainment; I – In House


Please add your comments. The Rosenfelder Index measures the implied cost of viewership!

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